Book Review: jQuery in Action

jQuery in Action, First Edition is written by Bear Bibeault and Yehuda Katz and is probably the simplest and easiest to understand programming book available. Target reader is somebody that already is using javascript in projects and is looking to push the limits of their web applications by using jQuery and many of it’s great…

Drupal CCKEditor

Installing CCKEditor for Drupal is pretty easy, but does require the two downloads. CCKEditor Module and the actual editor. If you haven’t copied the actual editor you will see an error something like the following: CKEditor was not found at sites/default/modules/ckeditor/ckeditor

Easily Take Screenshot of Page in Firefox

Every web developer or computer programmer spends time taking pictures of websites for their portfolio. Taking screenshots of pages that have a scrollbar has always been really difficult for a developer and often requiring sometime stitching images together in Photoshop. I found a plugin for firefox called Screengrab! that actually can take screenshots of the…

Places to Visit Around Niagara Falls, Canada

Niagara Falls, and the Rest of Niagara Region have a large collection of great attractions, museums, art galleries, and more. There are probably dozens that I’m forgetting or maybe never even visited, but if you leave a comment I will be very happy to add it. Former Battlefields (War of 1812) Historic Fort George Old…

Setting Focus to 1st Text Field in jQuery

Setting focus to the 1st field in jQuery is actually really simple: there are some plugins that also can do it automatically on each reload of a form. I usually just use the following code on any pages where there is a form. <script type=”text/javascript”> $(document).ready(function() { $(“input:text:visible:first”).focus(); }); </script> Hope this helps.