A guide for adding JWT token-based authentication to Your Serverless Application
One way to secure your serverless application is to implement token-based authentication, which helps to ensure that only authorized users can access your app
One way to secure your serverless application is to implement token-based authentication, which helps to ensure that only authorized users can access your app
I know that when I am working in JavaScript, I prefer to keep everything to using promises or async/await instead of occasionally using callbacks because a library doesn’t support them.
My favourite library for reading, writing, and manipulating Excel files in Node.JS is ExcelJS. In this tutorial, we’ll look at how to install the library and how to dynamically read an Excel file.
After reading this article, you will understand how to export data from a database or other system using a csv library in Node.js.
CSV stands for common separated values file which means that data can be stored in a tabular format with commas separating each value.
In this blog post, you can learn how to generate PDF from an html file using Node.js.
In my everyday life as technology leader (“tech lead”) and full stack developer I run into a lot of problems that need to be solved every day.
TDD is a lot more than vanity metrics like the percentage of code covered by tests. Test Driven Development (TDD) is a development process that consists of the tests being designed and written before most of the code is written.
JavaScript is really suitable for function programming because of functions being first class. Functions being first class means that JavaScript treats them as a type of object.
Developing locally makes a lot more sense than deploying to a dev environment consistently because it helps save time, save some cloud costs, and avoids obvious embarrassment. 🙂
I don’t think jQuery is dead at this point, but it’s growth seems to be slowing.
Deleting node_modules on Windows 7 and Windows 10 can be a frustrating experience if you try to do it from Windows Explorer or Command-Line because the file path names tend to get really long.
As you may have noticed, fetch doesn’t work in Node.js.
The fetch API isn’t implemented in Node, so you need to use a package that implements it and then use that.
Arrays are usually used to store a list of elements that need to be accessed by a single variable.
I believe that to use JavaScript effectively every developer should be able to use any one of these methods on an array. These methods can save a lot of lines of codes and also allow us to do some pretty awesome function programming!
Over the years, I’ve worked on a number of projects where we deal with user or company provided images which are often very large resolutions which take a long time to download on mobile phones or or poor internet connections.
This is a simple script that can be used to compress images and avoid potential costs of a service like Kraken.io
As a JavaScript developer, there’s occasionally a need to remove duplicates from an array of values.
By using our knowledge of advanced data sets we can write a lot less code and take advantage of built in features in JavaScript.
Knex is a JavaScript / Node.js library that is designed to make working with relational databases easier. Knex.js is a SQL query builder.
It has the potential to make tdd and database versioning much easier.
Although, JavaScript: The Good Parts is nearly ten years old I would argue it’s still a pretty good book to read. Literally, as the title implies the book calls out the best parts of the javascript language and tells what parts of the language to avoid.…
Most software projects need to talk to a database at some point – they usually do GET queries for data, update a field or create a record. In the past, people would write raw code that communicated with the database and built an object or some code representation of the data that they would manipulate. This lead to an incredible amount of duplicated code for every project that usually had some subtle bug that was present in all libraries. …
Strict mode became available in ECMAScript 5 to allow us to prevent certain actions from being taken and to allow it to throw better exceptions.
Strict mode allows us to write better quality JavaScript.
A palindrome is a word or sentence that’s spelled the same way both forward and backwards. Most of the time when doing these challenges during programming interviews you’re told to ignore punctuation, case and spacing.