Is jQuery Dead?
I don’t think jQuery is dead at this point, but it’s growth seems to be slowing.
I don’t think jQuery is dead at this point, but it’s growth seems to be slowing.
Up until recently, if you were building websites you pretty much always used jQuery. jQuery really simplified working with the browser document object model (DOM) and doing really custom animations.
In this blog post, we go through how to jQuery with the Lightning Locker Service turned on.
As a programmer, and technology manager I think it’s really important to use the right tools and technologies. There are times where I think jQuery is still really valuable but there are a lot of times where I don’t think it is valuable.
It’s no secret that many of us that use javascript regularly love jQuery because it handles a lot of the cross browser issues and makes our lives so much easier. The .ajax function makes use of caching by default, but we can override this by creating a function called .ajaxSetup and adding cache: false in…
jQuery Mobile is an absolutely amazing javascript framework that can easily assist developing mobile friendly websites. jQuery Mobile is easily summarized by its authors to: “Delivering top-of-the-line JavaScript in a unified User Interface that works across the most-used smartphone web browsers and tablet form factors.” After adding jQuery Mobile to my first application, I discovered…
jQuery in Action, First Edition is written by Bear Bibeault and Yehuda Katz and is probably the simplest and easiest to understand programming book available. Target reader is somebody that already is using javascript in projects and is looking to push the limits of their web applications by using jQuery and many of it’s great…
jQuery is very well suited for cross browser JavaScript development, but I bet you didn’t know jQuery is also fairly well suited to parsing XML. I often use jQuery to send XMLHttpRequests and then parse the XML returned by a PHP script on the server and then manipulate the return in some way. I won’t…
jQuery is so powerful and very flexible and usually makes so many complex takes so simple. Anything with a scrollbar and can be selected can be programatically scrolled to to the top. $(div).scrollTop(); Scrolling to top of browser window is as simple as: $(window).scrollTop(0);
jQuery is a really popular JavaScript library that helps really simplify manipulating HTML with JavaScript whether it be CSS, animations or even doing Ajax. I’ve been using jQuery since at least mid 2008 and have to say that I just love how much easier things are and not having to generally deal with the cross-browser…
Setting focus to the 1st field in jQuery is actually really simple: there are some plugins that also can do it automatically on each reload of a form. I usually just use the following code on any pages where there is a form. <script type=”text/javascript”> $(document).ready(function() { $(“input:text:visible:first”).focus(); }); </script> Hope this helps.
David Tang has written a simple and elegant plugin for jQuery that allows a div to be placed in the middle of a page.