Is jQuery Dead?
I don’t think jQuery is dead at this point, but it’s growth seems to be slowing.
I don’t think jQuery is dead at this point, but it’s growth seems to be slowing.
As a programmer, and technology manager I think it’s really important to use the right tools and technologies. There are times where I think jQuery is still really valuable but there are a lot of times where I don’t think it is valuable.
Merging objects together in JavaScript isn’t very difficult although there’s quite a few different ways that it can be done.
Note, I’m not covering deep cloning for the sake of simplicity although this can be easily done through most of these different methods.
jQuery is one of the most utilized JavaScript libraries and can be easily be integrated into any visualforce page regardless of whether it’s meant for your internal users or on a site. jQuery is usually used for manipulating elements in the DOM, animation or even event handling. Usually, I use it for doing some in…
It’s no secret that many of us that use javascript regularly love jQuery because it handles a lot of the cross browser issues and makes our lives so much easier. The .ajax function makes use of caching by default, but we can override this by creating a function called .ajaxSetup and adding cache: false in…
jQuery in Action, First Edition is written by Bear Bibeault and Yehuda Katz and is probably the simplest and easiest to understand programming book available. Target reader is somebody that already is using javascript in projects and is looking to push the limits of their web applications by using jQuery and many of it’s great…
Setting focus to the 1st field in jQuery is actually really simple: there are some plugins that also can do it automatically on each reload of a form. I usually just use the following code on any pages where there is a form. <script type=”text/javascript”> $(document).ready(function() { $(“input:text:visible:first”).focus(); }); </script> Hope this helps.
Many more senior web developers can remember throwing tags all over the contents of websites and using tables for the presentation of content: these practices are said to be intrusive and a maintenance nightmare especially when the font colour should be pink instead of black on a header. Unobtrusive JavaScript is another best practice for…
JavaScript and the respective frameworks have really began to gain traction over the last couple of years. I would argue that most of the JavaScript frameworks are excellent, and truly are great for the user experience and for the programmer experience.