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Everything You Need to Know About Salesforce Relationship Types

When building a database it’s so important to build the right relationships between database tables. What this means is that when we’re creating relationships between objects is that we’re deciding how they will be associated with one another. Salesforce has a very similar concept, which shouldn’t really be a surprise considering there’s a database powering the entire thing!

Best Practices for Writing Tests

Best Practices for Writing Tests

When I say the word test, what’s the first thing that comes to your mind? It’s probably the boring tests that you did in school that were either multiple choice or required sentences or in math showing your work. When I talk about tests it’s usually an automated process which can execute on software and help improve the quality and act as part of the quality assurance process.

There’s a bunch of different ways of doing tests such as automated testing, manual testing, smoke tests, and then various different subtypes such as unit testing or regression testing.…

How to Use CRM to Grow Your Business

How to Use CRM To Grow Your Business

Implementing Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software is vital to growing a company’s business because having a relationship with customers is vital. In this post, I will detail how to use crm to grow your business by implementing it correctly, making sure staff are using it and providing a few really good tips to automate business processes which will help reduce costs and drive revenue.…

5 Strategies to get Around SOQL Query Limits

5 Strategies to get Around SOQL Query Limits

In Apex, there’s quite a few constraints that are strictly enforced because the platform is a shared multitenant environment. Quite a few of the limits result in runtime exceptions that can’t be handled.

For those familiar with Salesforce, it’s no secret that there’s a lot of limits. For example, there’s limits around the ViewState which were pretty painful to work around.

One of the first limits, I believe all new Salesforce developers hit is the limit for a maximum of SOQL queries that can be done.…

Resources for Learning Salesforce Lightning

Awesome Resources for Learning Salesforce Lightning

At Dreamforce 2014, Salesforce announced they were changing the Salesforce User Interface to make it simpler to use. The new User Interface is called Salesforce Lightning. In my blog post, What is Salesforce Lightning I cover a lot more about what it is and how development differs from using Apex and Visualforce.

If you don’t have any experience with JavaScript, it will make programming Salesforce Lightning a lot more difficult. I strong recommend having a look at my blog post Resources for Learning JavaScript before you dive into learning Salesforce Lightning because JavaScript is what’s used predominantly in the controller now.

In the last two years or so, there’s been a steady increase in the number of resources that have become available for learning lightning. I launched my first lightning component as part of an AppExchange product about a year ago and have been doing lots of lightning, react and node development since then. I believe that all Salesforce Developers will need to learn and master javascript to avoid becoming irrelevant and unemployable in the next couple of years. …

How Code Becomes Legacy Code

How Code Becomes Legacy Code

I like to think that a legacy system is code that’s being used in production and still works fine, but is using older designs or older techniques that are no longer in common use. Legacy isn’t a label that means something is broken or retired, it means the software still works but might not be modifiable for some reason – possibly the software only runs on an older version of Linux or Microsoft Server because the language or libraries it depends on has been deprecated.

When I mean the code isn’t modifiable or updateable this can be for a variety of different reasons such as the language it was built in is no longer generally available or can’t be built on a more modern machine. Possibly, your company is already in the middle of updating/re-writing the legacy system or has lost the source code over the years. Over the years, I’ve spent time trying to decompile code and sometimes this works really well and other times it’s completed but the code is impossible to read.

5 Ways to Increase CRM Usage

5 Ways to Increase CRM Usage

Implementing CRMS like Salesforce into an existing company can be really challenging if users aren’t interested in using it or resistant to change. I recall the first time I integrated Salesforce into an organization, we had a very difficult time getting the sales staff to actually use it. Eventually we found a way to get staff interested in using the CRM and stop using Google Docs or Excel sheets.

Using Promises in Salesforce Lightning

Using Promises in Salesforce Lightning

It’s no secret that Salesforce Lightning is changing the way we develop for Salesforce. At Dreamforce 2014, Salesforce introduced Salesforce Lightning and it is proving to change a lot of things we do on the platform and I’m sure it will make things a lot better for users in the long term. If you aren’t already familiar with Salesforce Lightning then you need to read my post called What is Salesforce Lightning.…

Beginner's Guide to Understanding CRM

A beginners Guide to Understanding CRM

In the days of early computing, it was rare that companies would have a way of communicating with their customers that would scale as the company grew. Everything went into different “data silos” that wasn’t necessarily accessible to the right person at the right moment. When I started my career, I worked on phone systems that were mostly being used by mortgage brokers that usually worked off of lists of potential customers in excel.

Usually the brokers had no insight into how things were going or would go unless they kept adding columns for notes each time they called or emailed the person. If the mortgage broker worked on a team or had a manager – it was nearly impossible to coordinate how things were going because everything was based off of the data or papers even that one employee would keep on their computer or on their desk.