How to Use Salesforce Custom Settings

How to Use Salesforce Custom Settings

When developing on Salesforce’s platform it’s essential to avoid hardcoding application settings because a deployment will be required every time something needs to be changed. Application Settings could be anything really, but often it’s things like an email address, ip address, or even a passkey. For those not already aware, a Salesforce deployment can take hours to finally happen which may cause significant downtime in some businesses. …

Apex: Converting Lists to Sets, and Sets To Lists

As many Salesforce Apex programmers know, in Salesforce it’s pretty much an unchallenged best practice that all code should be able to handle bulk inserts, updates, etc. When adhering to this best practice, it’s really common to use sets, or lists as parameters in functions. Sometimes, there’s a need to convert between lists, or sets, or maybe even maps. …

AWS/ Serverless Fixing AccessDeniedException

“Unhandled rejection AccessDeniedException: Your access has been denied by EC2, please make sure your function execution role have permission to CreateNetworkInterface. EC2 Error Code: UnauthorizedOperation. EC2 Error Message: You are not authorized to perform this operation.”

That’s a pretty annoying error to receive when deploying from Serverless to AWS, but the fix is really pretty simple.

5 Incredible Resources for Learning to Program Salesforce

5 Incredible Resources For Learning to Program Salesforce

Salesforce is an incredibly large and customizable platform with hundreds of different features. Learning to use Salesforce can be difficult, but learning to program and manage Salesforce is even more daunting. Below I’ve provided you with the best resources I could find on programming Salesforce.  Before jumping into learning to program apex, I recommend you…

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How to have a Visualforce Page Download as a pdf

When creating applications it’s a pretty common request to be able to create a formatted report or file in pdf file format.

For the most part, most customized pages and data can be easily converted into a PDF file without having to make many changes. In Salesforce, we can change customized Visualforce pages to create a pdf file by using the renderAs property and set the value to pdf.

Mastering Application Development with

Book Review: Mastering Application Development with

A few weeks ago, I saw a post on Twitter about Kevin Poorman releasing a new book about programming in Salesforce Apex and really mastering the development environment. Kevin Poorman’s “Mastering Application Development with” covers a lot of different parts of Salesforce’s platform that aren’t well covered elsewhere.

Book Review: Practical Development Without Code

Practical Development Without Code written by Phil Weinmeister has been recently released. I think the book really targets those new to the Salesforce platform and does a wonderful job of providing examples and providing a reference that will be useful in the future. Phil Weinmeister has done a phenomenal job putting together some different…

Recreating PHP's time() function in JavaScript

Recreating PHP’s time() function in JavaScript

PHP’s time() function returns the current unix timestamp. JavaScript doesn’t exactly have the same functionality, but it’s pretty close. Put a different and more understandable way, it returns the current time measured in seconds since the Unix Epoch (00:00:00 UTC on 1 January 1970).

JavaScript has a similar way of getting the time but it’s in milliseconds since the Unix Epoch.