10 JavaScript Array Methods Every Programmer Should Know

Arrays are usually used to store a list of elements that need to be accessed by a single variable.

I believe that to use JavaScript effectively every developer should be able to use any one of these methods on an array. These methods can save a lot of lines of codes and also allow us to do some pretty awesome function programming!

10 Tips to Become a better Node.js Developer

It’s no secret that I absolutely love JavaScript and Node.js.  For those that don’t know Node.js is a framework that is built on top of JavaScript.

Node.js is an open source JavaScript runtime environment that runs on pretty much everything. It’s a great environment for building fast scalable network applications.

Node.js uses an event driven model that makes it really efficient and really good for real-time applications. Paired with serverless computing it’s fantastic for a lot of modern use cases.

In this article, I will go through the best practices for becoming a better Node.js developer. Over the last two years or so, I’ve interviewed and hired a lot of developers for the startup I’m working at.…

5 Tips for Finding Amazing React Components

5 Tips for Finding Amazing React Components

One of the most important parts of building scaleable systems quickly is to find work that others have done and use it as part of our system. Using packages others built and assembling it with your business rules and logic is a lot like putting together pieces of Lego but following your instructions.

One of my favourite parts of React is that there’s usually hundreds of small open source components that can be used and usually easily modified to suit my needs. For example, there’s dozens of really well done date/time pickers that usually require no effort to put into place.…