SSRS Doesn’t Respond

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Every few months, especially after a windows update, I find that SQL Server Reporting Services’ ReportManager just won’t load. There’s no errors, there’s nothing in the System Event Log or any reason that I can see for the reportmanager never loading.

I usually end up out of frustration stopping the reporting services, stopping IIS, and then usually starting IIS and then finally starting Reporting Services again. Today, when ReportManager wouldn’t load I went to restart IIS and got an error about the w3svc not being able to stop.

Eventually, I figured out I could run the following command and eventually get the World Wide Web Service to stop. I then could start IIS again and then start Reporting Services back up.

Taskkill /F /FI "SERVICES eq w3svc"

Hope this helps.

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Brian is a software architect and technology leader living in Niagara Falls with 13+ years of development experience. He is passionate about automation, business process re-engineering, and building a better tomorrow.

Brian is a proud father of four: two boys, and two girls and has been happily married to Crystal for more than ten years. From time to time, Brian may post about his faith, his family, and definitely about technology.