Do REST API Standards Exist?
With REST there’s no standard, but there are some standards associated with REST such as oAuth and OpenAPI.
With REST there’s no standard, but there are some standards associated with REST such as oAuth and OpenAPI.
Optimization can mean a lot of things like simplifying a process, reducing data and even speeding up response time.
An API often has three different ways we can optimize it.
HTTP defines a set of different request methods. There are request methods like GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, and others.
Because it’s allowed doesn’t mean it’s right though.
When large lists of records are exposed through an API, we need a mechanism to control how many records are returned. In the article, we explore the three main methods of paging.
AWS API gateway is a phenomenal service from AWS because it has all of the features somebody could ever want in an API gateway.
Sorting is determining the order of items when a list of items is returned from a particular endpoint. The best practice is to really keep things simple and consistent.
Application Programming Interfaces and dates are just as difficult.
Timezone issues crop up because dates and datetimes are just strings in JSON, there’s nothing to necessarily say that this is a date in this format.
SOAP and XML based Web Services aren’t dead yet. I don’t think they will be for quite a while because they are very common in large enterprises (government, banks, telecommunications, etc).
The parameters and the way the parameters are transmitted can be different in each implementation.
API parameters can be split into four different groups
Microservices offer an incredible rethink of a lot of software development that allow systems be much easier to change.
Often what happens is a company decides to build a new mobile app which shouldn’t directly communicate with the database. So the company builds an API for the mobile apps to communicate with the database that also does some calculations (business logic) and validations (business rules).
Over time, the business realizes that they could also potentially sell access to the API or allow their customers to directly connect with it and finally have partners launch apps in different verticals.
When we build an API, we need to keep in mind the purpose for it and that really ends up defining the type of API we have built.
Producing an API shouldn’t just be an IT only concern. Building an API could help sales, finance, marketing or even customer support. It’s common for it to start as an IT only matter and end up impacting the entire company.
Designing by software is a contract – like a legal or business contract. When we design software by contract it means we are designing against a specific specification for each software component.
Product skills help companies win markets, satisfy customers and build businesses faster.
The REST API will be alive for many years to come because many companies set up integrations and forget about them until there’s a problem. It is still one of the dominant types of application integrations: REST API, SOAP, and more recently GraphQL.
HATEOAS stands for Hypertext As The Engine of Application State. The theory is that by embedding enough information in our API responses it will be easier to use the API without needing to consult documentation.
I would buy Peter Ries’ book if given the opportunity or give it to new members of my team. I think there are a lot of things to learn about NetSuite and Peter is a great writer.
In software development one of the most important concepts for writing easily understood, modifiable code, and reusable code is SOLID.
When designing a REST API we need to really think of the different challenges that can occur. While many of these challenges are related to ignoring the REST API Constraints, there are definitely other issues that will pop up as you work.