I was surfing the local Kijiji looking to see if maybe there might be some interesting contract work. Naturally, I wasted approximately forty-five seconds reading the three advertisements until I found this really pathetic offer:
“I need a website built in the next 4 weeks.
Website will have up to or may be more than 50 pages.
Will like people to be able to subscribe to posts and blogs
I will like some admin management to be able to update blogs
Website will have a 6 page flash video on the header
Some pages will have multi columns (2-3)
Some pages will have links to other pages and pictures
I will like to have some forms filled and submitted on the site
Website will have RSS feed and comment compactibility.
I have all the pictures and content ready.
Website will have google adsence
Unfortunately, I have budget restaints, I can only afford $400 for this.
If you are up to it, please send the following info
1. Your name
2. Sample sites you built
3. Phone number
I prefer someone in St. Catharines, or if you don’t mind meeting once a week until job is done.”
I have no doubt, I could implement this using some sort of content management system with a customized template but I also know that if I use WordPress even I would need to spend at least eight hours coming up with the design and then coding it. And of course, that still doesn’t help with the required forms issue does it?